Meaningless Stories

Does that blip in middle of now really seem significant to you? Me either.

Does that little highlight in the middle of now really seem significant to you? Me either.

Okay. So I haven’t been covering current events. The reason is simple. They’re mostly the bright shiny objects intended to distract us from what’s important.

The Woody Allen Scandal. Oh really? (btw, a sterling example of what writing is NOT.)

The Bill Clinton-Elizabeth Hurley Scandal. Oh really?

Contraceptive honey Sandra Fluke is running for Waxman’s seat in the House of Representatives. Oh really?

Republicans about to commit party suicide by passing an amnesty bill. Oh really?

The Nonpartisan CBO suddenly announces that ObamaCare will be much more costly and damaging than originally projected. Shocking discovery. Oh really?

Climate change is causing a catastrophic drought crisis in California. Oh really? Well, could be there’s some meaning.

Never mind.

I’ll stop there. Trust me. When there is news, I’ll comment on it. In the meantime consider experiencing the diversions I’ve arranged for you. Much more fun, I assure you.

P.S. Rush Limbaugh just discovered what I shared with you three weeks ago. Consider that the lag time between me and the geniuses of the media. Also a quibble I can’t resist. He keeps showing off his Latin knowledge by pronouncing the plural of campus as ‘campi.’ That would be correct if campus were second declension. But it’s fourth declension. The plural is ‘campus’ (long ‘u’). Why the Standard English usage is correctly ‘campuses.’ Which, interestingly enough, is the usage most of us know automatically to employ. Life is only as hard as we make it.

And another quibble. Hotair had an open registration for commenters lasting about three hours. Is that arrogant or what? They’ve got such great commenters, a half tick above the Breitbart crowd. Just try to plow your way through the comments on this post about an Evolution Debate. Obviously an elect group who need to be protected from malign, ill-educated trolls. I declined once again to sign up. Ultimately a sad place.

Why I hold all my supposed conservative allies at arm’s length. And wish my arms were longer.

7 thoughts on “Meaningless Stories

  1. This doesn’t really have anything to do with this post, but I don’t see an email address for you. I was wondering if you ever read American Digest, and, if so, what you think of it. Gerard (I think) is probably closer to my age than yours and has traveled a much different path than yours, but I hear a lot of the same criticism of our generation (the Boomers) that I hear in your writings. He was there at Berkeley at the beginning in the 60’s and has traveled a long strange road since then. He almost died of a heart attack a couple of years ago but seems to be going strong now.

  2. Yeah, I agree. Haven’t been interested in any of these stories although the Big Evolution Debate has stuck in my mind. I can’t bring myself to watch any of it for the same reason I can’t watch Presidential debates: most likely a hostile moderator with cherry-picked questions to favor the Darwinist, no tough follow-ups and the creationist guy playing the part of GOP candidate: meekly going along with the rigged game and giving terrible answers to everything.

    Maybe I’m wrong and it’s worth watching. If so, somebody tell me. I read a recap of it, though, and was struck by one line when they asked Bill Nye the Douche Bag Guy what was around before the Big Bang. His answer was essentially, “I don’t know! Isn’t that great? It’s an exciting mystery! Let’s find out!” I assume his answer to everything else was “Evolution!”

    By contrast, a Christian cannot answer with, “I don’t know, it’s an exciting mystery” and “God”. No, Christians need to have complete explanations for each line of the Bible & how the Eucharist works. No room for mysteries*. “Do you REALLY believe that one man & his family were able to gather up precisely two of every animal in existence into a boat and survived a supernaturally-caused flood in the desert? Do you REALLY believe there was a man who lost his Herculean strength once his hair was cut? See, those things are farfetched. So I have now proven that evolution is responsible for the origin of life.”

    Meanwhile, Bill Nye believes in global warming and is passionately shilling for that when he’s not shilling for Darwinism. But that’s not absurd, right? As Brizoni once pointed out, the Pope believes in global warming, too. The Pope is clearly an idiot, though, since he believes in a supernatural deity (well, not entirely sure the current Pope does, but Benedict did). Not sure what the excuse is for all the rational, AGW alarmist atheists like Bill Nye who are a lot smarter than 99% of the rest of humans who have ever existed.

    *As I said, I didn’t watch any of the debate. I’m willing to bet, however, that no one brought up the point that, without God and any meaning to our existence, whatever was around before the Big Bang is not exciting at all but a terribly dull mystery that doesn’t matter whatsoever. Why should anyone care? What does it matter? It’s just trivia, like naming the entire cast of the Goonies or the Super Bowl MVP from 1974. All that really matters is me, right here, right now, and what I think will make me happy. As long as my happiness won’t contribute to global warming, of course.

  3. Not undercutting your passion, but this wasn’t a debate. It was a stunt. I have no use whatever for the 6,000 year old earth proponents. If I were an evolutionist, I’d want to debate them all day and all night.

    • No, I agree completely. Presidential debates are nothing but stunts, too. Not an accident Nye was debating who he was nor that so much attention was focused on this particular debate. It’s all “by design”, yuk yuk.

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