Pearl Harbor II
from The Boomer Bible,
Book of Yanks

Chapter 106
But then came the day that will live in infamy,
2  Forever,
3  Never to be forgotten by the Yanks,
4  Ever,
5  As long as there is still a single Yank alive to remember the exact moment when Japan and Germany lost the war,
6  Which happened at seven o'clock AM, Pacific time,
7   On December 7th,
8  1940-something,
9  When about a million Nip planes and ships came out of nowhere,
10  And attacked Pearl Harbor,
11  Without warning,
12  Completely by surprise,
13  And killed about two thousand Yanks,
14  For no reason.

Chapter 107
The Yanks were mad about Pearl Harbor, of course,
2  But maybe not as mad as they were surprised,
3  And offended,
4  Because how did the ever get the idea that a sneak attack on the Yanks was a good idea?
5  After all, it hasn't ever been a good idea to make the Yanks mad,
6  Like with the Alamo,
7  And the Maine,
8  And the Lusitania,
9  Which should have tipped off the Nips that if they did something to the Yanks,
10  Something unspeakable like Pearl Harbor, for example,
11  The Yanks would remember it,
12  Forever,
13  And find a way to get even,
14  No matter how much it cost,
15  And now that you mention it,
16  Remember the Lusitania?
17  Which explains why the Yanks declared war on Japan and Germany within a few hours of the attack on Pearl Harbor,
18  Because they were all going to get it now,
19  As soon as the Yanks remembered where they'd put their army and their weapons and other stuff like that.