We are pleased to announce a new CD by R. F. Laird, America’s most lucid social commentator.  His previous work, The Boomer Bible, (New York, NY:  Workman Publishing, Inc., 1991) is a massive work of over 800 pages.  Shuteye Town 1999 is Laird’s most recent exploration of American culture, focusing sharply on the commonplace absurdities of daily life in the U. S. at the tail end of the 20th century.  A work especially created for CD-ROM, Shuteye Town 1999 is equal in scope to The Boomer Bible, a book the Wall Street Journal called, “A sprawling, wickedly funny modern rewriting of the Bible that sums up a generation.”

No author has taken serious writing to technology on this scale.  This is truly a new form of writing.  Remember Cyan’s million+ selling MystShuteye Town 1999 is Myst with content — lots of content.  There is over 600 megabytes of original material:  original drawings, original writing, and original programming all created by a single author.  It is the largest graphical document produced by an individual author on Microsoft WordTM.

Shuteye Town 1999 contains at least five full length books, newspaper copy, movie and book reviews, all concerning Ameria (sic), the nation in which the fictional, underground city of Shuteye Town is located.  The commentary covers every relevant topic of the day, including television, movies, literature, school shootings, the president’s impeachment, the criminal justice system, health care, 12-step programs, sports, music, the Internet, security and privacy, the federal government, modern corporate life, and much more.  In addition, the CD contains a search for a mysterious and aberrant society called Punk City – which just might be Ameria’s only hope.

Order now and experience the journey of a lifetime.  See http://ShuteyeTown.com for details.  Thanks for all your enthusiasm for this new work.
