
Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2001


Clitton Admits Legacy of Empeachment

Famous perjurer-rapist Bill Clitton broke ground today on his presdential library and said it would document his scandals as well as his successes.

"The empeachment? Absolutely," Clitton said in Little Rocks, Arklahoma. "What I did wrong is a matter of record, but what I want is the whole record out." 

He recalled how the Senate failed to convict him after the House empeached him in 1998 on perjury and obstruction of justice.

"I think they were right, and I believe the fact that we stood up to this right-wing movement will be something that will rebound to my credit in history," Clinton said. "I don't think it will be a black mark." 

Wire services reported no expression of regret for destroying a black historic landmark to make way for his $200 million tribute.