The Conservative Terminator


I feel obligated to recognize Sean Hannity. I don’t know about you. I get tired, despairing, hopeless at times, and I hate having to make the same old arguments again and again even though I know hardly anyone remembers anything for more than ten minutes, let alone ten months or ten years.

Remember Terminator 2? When Sarah is watching her son with Ahnold? She’s amazed to discover that he’s probably better for her son than the men she’s known. She observes that he’ll never get tired, never get impatient, never stop following his programming, never lose his temper and go nuts.

I listened to Rush today. His mood is like mine. Not trying to depress anyone, he said. But he was saying what I said yesterday. Nothing in the Benghazi hearings will make any difference whatever. He was grim. He was tired of explaining the reasons and the lessons. He knew he was being depressing. But he had to vent.

Fast forward to Hannity. Same old same old. He’s never ever ever tired of reciting all the history, all the lessons, all the hypocrisies, all the nonsense most of us can’t even bear to think of. He does it very like an automaton, reeling off all the precedents, wickedness, and despicable lefty behavior that makes current liberal posturing so ludicrous. Amazing. As a guy who writes about what’s going on, I have to say that his never getting tired just seems impossible.

So I take my hat off to him. He’s on the Benghazi case again tonight. Tirelessly. He even reminded me of the comparison that has to be made between Benghazi and the Valerie Plame affair. Relentless press after a scandal that never existed versus the no press coverage of a scandal worse than Watergate. I covered the Plame Affair myself. He’s right. And fatigue is no reason to stop being passionately outraged.

Sean is annoying, funny, and maybe not the sharpest knife in the drawer. But he’s necessary and on days like today I admire him.

7 thoughts on “The Conservative Terminator

  1. Too right. I heard his ‘fight’ a few months back with Dem congressman Ellison and Hannity never sunk to the ad hom tactics, defended himself gently, and allowed him to make a fool of himself before calmly hanging up the phone. No throbbing vein, just a wry tone and on to the next business. He’s a good man, too. Stalwart is the word.

  2. You’re right. Credit where credit is due. Hannity has been plugging along for many a year now. And while he’s not my favorite personality on the right, none of the crass, ignorant boors on the left (Matthews, Maddow, Schmoe, that dumb Turk guy, etc) can hold a candle to him.

    And yes, Plame is an incredibly relevant analogy. Anyone who expressed outrage about that “scandal” is morally bankrupt. The same people who denigrate & sabotage our troops during two wars are beside themselves over some supposed “secret agent” having her “cover” blown? Please. And yet, I had arguments with (now former) friends about that back in 2008. Because they were still just so gosh darn upset about Valerie Plame. Had trouble sleeping at night. Would never be the same again. Had to vote for Obama.

    And total silence now about Benghazi when they’re not laughing along with Colbert. Every single fucking one of them.

  3. Hey. No props for my Plame coverage? Especially now that I’m finally learning how to put hyperlinks in posts…

    • You got me. I thought I had seen that Plame link before but I hadn’t. That was hilarious, thank you.

      • You’re welcome. Actually, the link at the bottom of the Plame graphic page leads back not to the Main Page but to the Plame post proper, and from there to a bunch of other old satire links, including storyboards for Air America. Look around. Not every link is a dead end…

    • I *do* remember that particular episode but laughed hard again! Good thing I opened it when no one was around, those are the kinds of pages that can get a guy like me questioned by the Gestap…er, school administration.

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