Gun Control Logic

Breitbart's small type super-header was "Beauty fades, dumb is forever."

Aussie supermodel. Enough said. Breitbart’s small type super-header was “Beauty fades, dumb is forever.”

No, she’s not one of our pets. Izzie would violently protest being so upstaged. But she is an eloquent symbol of the post-Newtown gun control frenzy.

How many of you know that since the repeal of the Reagan era assault weapons ban, gun crime has fallen steadily for two decades, including school shootings?

Now for my new hyper-linking skill. Here’s a rundown, with more links to multiple persuasive graphs, of the latest numbers on gun crime, courtesy of Pew and The Bureau of Justice Statistics, neither of which are known NRA stooges.

Now you’re free to transition to official mother worship mode.

Get her flowers, take her out to dinner, or better yet brunch (they prefer it), and dote on her every word. Just don’t let her tell you that we should start junking the constitution because she thinks guns are scary.

Not that they all do. But too many do. She deserves better than to be patronized. Make her think. What we all owe those we love.

2 thoughts on “Gun Control Logic

  1. I understand why the progs want to take away guns. I don’t understand how so many people stupidly fall into line with the propaganda w/out thinking. I don’t.

    Along those same lines, I saw one of those internet memes (you know: the pics with the heavy, capital text on top & bottom) called “Scumbag America”, the idea being whatever joke presented will showcase how downright mean our country is. The setup was “If you can’t afford a lawyer one will be appointed for you” with the punchline “But if you need a doctor, you’re on your own, bro LOL”.

    Presumably those that like this have thoughts flowing only so far as, “Hey, yeah. We do have free lawyers. Why don’t we have free doctors, too?!?” but then somehow it never causes them to reflect on the nature of our “free” legal system, the quality of court appointed lawyers, and how no one would ever use one of them if they actually want to win their case. Not to mention that I think you may not even be able to get one of those “free” lawyers if the gov’t determines you have enough money to hire your own.

  2. We live fairly close to Newtown, we have two young boys, one the same age as those poor kids… and the boys’ Mom, my wonderful wife, wouldn’t dream of trying to limit protection of the 2nd. We did have to chat about how ‘assault rifle’ is merely a cosmetic difference with no bearing on the actual rifle, but hey, she was the Bay State games sharpshooter in high school, not me.

    PS. Superb linking skills, are you slowly warming up to the HTML WordPress way of life?

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