Da Nile

If you're a pharaoh, everything you do is cool.

If you’re a pharaoh, everything you do is cool.

So we have ourselves a pharaoh. A god-king. Just what the founders had in mind. (Excuse me. I’ve just been corrected in the Comments. The “founding founders.“)


King Tut was all golden and shiny, famous in the end for being famous and shiny, not for anything he actually accomplished. He just had more stuff than we ever found with any other pharaoh. That will be Obama’s legacy too. More pictures with Beyonce, LeBron, and other gilded idols than any other president ever had.

Just how stupid are we? A symbolic pagan god-king can be absent from the history of his own time. (It’s impossible to name ANY historical event King Tut was involved in.) But if we want more from our leaders than golden masks and divine gestures, we should be liberal and modern enough to demand that they actually be present during their rule.

What we never get from our own American god-king. Almost a year later, we have no information at all about where he was on the night of Benghazi. Except that he had a fundraising date in Vegas next day. He made one strong remark about the IRS scandal and has been silent since. He endorses Holder, promotes Susan Rice, and says nothing, nothing, nothing about the NSA or ANY of the multiplying scandals of his administration. He just wears his suits to usual good effect.

God-kings don’t have to be leaders. Good. Because he isn’t. Not a single leadership gene in his whole fucking body. God-kings just have to have golden masks.

Ain't I fucking wonderful? Even LeBron let's me dunk on him.

Ain’t I fucking wonderful? Even LeBron lets me dunk on him.

The only question is why we as a people have so nostalgically reincarnated the mentality of ancient Egyptians. When you figure it out, please let Chris Matthews know…

Well, not the only question. There are others. Why do you still think you would have stood up in all the great moral crises in history? That you’d have been an abolitionist, a suffragist, a civil rights activist, a heroic anti-Nazi in 1930s Germany? Why are you not screaming all day long and all night long right now? Until you’re hoarse and broken and bleeding from a rage that cannot be voiced without injuring your mind and body. Why can’t you see that the current siege of scandals is more notice than most people ever get of their chance to be importantly moral?

Oh. I forgot. You love Beyonce’s ass and Obama’s celebrity schedule too. A golden mask is always, well, golden. Ain’t it? Not to mention a Golden Ass, always turned toward those who would kiss it forever…

The Golden Hind. Francis Drake's bitch. You'd have kissed that ass too.

The Golden Hind. Francis Drake’s bitch. You’d have kissed that ass too.

All it ever has to be is a royal ass. Unless you still think you’re immune. Still, you know, in Da Nile.

6 thoughts on “Da Nile

  1. He’s no doubt a narcissist, and perhaps an intellectual lightweight ( I think Sailer pegs him at 140 IQ and in the top 2% of the LSAT scores ((and you need to be in the 1% to be considered part of the cognitive elite)) ) but the problem with your analysis is, as Rush Limbaugh has said, that Obama has been an extraordinary success from the perspective of his base.

    He got much further with his Affordable Health Care Act than Clinton ever got. That is the centerpiece, and even if you think it will break the nation’s back, it is an act attached to his name that will stay with his name as much as the New Deal stayed with FDR (and no, I’m not comparing Obama to Roosevelt in terms of quality, just making an analogy).

    There’s no way to do long-term Pharisaic extrapolations here. I was at Huffington Post today, and perceptions of W. are starting to turn around for the better.

  2. Good to see you again, too, Joe. Tell our readers how to find and buy your new novel.

  3. “Not a single leadership gene in his whole fucking body.” Indeed. He got more than his share of disingenuousness genes, though. With his track record so far, I can’t imagine how many more scandals we have to look forward to in the next 3 years.

  4. As a point of correction, Joe, I must point out that your ObamaCare argument does nothing to invalidate my post. I could with full justice tell the president that with respect to the Affordable Care Act, “You didn’t build this.”

    He was in Hollywood, he was on the golf course and the basketball court, but he wasn’t in the Oval Office and he did absolutely nothing to craft the 2,000 page monstrosity that’s being inflicted on the American public. He told lies about what it would contain and do (or not do), he took credit for its eventual passage, and now he tells more lies about the lies he told when he was doing nothing to negotiate a bipartisan bill… Which is pretty much the definition of the job of a god-king.

    Someday you’ll get around to commenting on what I actually write as opposed to what you were personally pissed off about when I was writing it. Until then I’ll just be my usual patient self.

    • Rob,

      I agree with your post, inasmuch as I think people like Dinesh D’Souza, are insane. The problem is not something that will live or die with Obama, the man. He’s not Hitler, with both a cult of personality and an ideological game plan native to him, which lives and dies with him. If Obama wasn’t where he was right now, the Progs would have still been able to push the gears to the point of socialized healthcare in 2008. They had the demographic ascendancy and the ‘ratchet effect’ Thatcher spoke about, whereby the Right can hold off Leftist initiatives (while rolling nothing back), and the Left can continually push forward. The people who really hate Obama have built this cult around Obama as much as those who love him. It is similar to the reaction to Bush in that way, I suppose, whereby he just kind of let people project what they wanted onto him, good and bad.

      You can read an excerpt of my book at http://www.rollingcountry.com, with links to buy from there. Be forewarned, however, that it is an incredibly grisly tale of a serial killer. Completely apolitical and unrelated to anything I post here.

      Thanks for your interest.

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