
The Romans were afraid of US.

Hadrian’s Wall. Meant to keep the Scots OUT of Roman Britain. The Romans were afraid of just how easily highlanders could kill, well, anyone. And they enjoyed it as much as if they were Romans.

A post that’s not politically correct. I’m getting ready to talk about Jews, which is always controversial, but they will understand that I am doing so from the standpoint of the one tribe that is as old as they are, as accomplished, and as continuously distinct.

They’ll also understand my claim that we are better. They won’t agree. But they’ll have to consult their notes.

You won’t find two older tribes. The Jews invented morality with their Ten Commandments. We invented capitalism. And the steam engine and television. Anyone want to take a vote? I kid.

But the Jews also invented surviving by running away, having a “diaspora,” and sulking a lot. We just kept getting in the other guy’s face, never leaving home, and constituting a constant threat to the stability of the greatest military on earth from one century to the next, permanently outnumbered and never giving a shit.

We had some dopey clerics. They had some dopey experimentalists who called themselves psychologists, philosophers, and geniuses while we were building the industrial revolution. And our lawyers are every bit as nasty and ruthless as theirs.

Scots were some of the first robber barons and philanthropists. Jews were the first Hollywood moguls. Want to compare?

There’s no category in which we don’t win till you get to physics. The Uncertainty Principle has not and never will be understood by any Scot. Except that we’ve always known it’s impossible to know who’s playing the bagpipe without knowing that the bagpipe is also playing the piper. Which is called Scottish Quantum Physics.

Jews have been hounded through the ages. Scots have too. Both are the targets of conspiracy theorists. Ireland and Britain continue to be terrified by whatever might be going on at Roslyn Chapel. The Jews, unfortunately, lost track of their primary temple some time ago.

Not that we’re competing. Except that as the two most ancient surviving tribes, they’re bound to compete. And have some of the same attributes. You think Jews are tight? You never saw my mother computing the tip to the third decimal point.

Thing is, Scots are superior. No matter what’s happening now. For more than a thousand years the Jews tried to assimilate, to run, to hide. That whole time, the Scots were trying to beat the holy shit out of England. Which somebody had to do, and the Irish weren’t up for it because nobody had invented pipe bombs and remote controlled car explosives yet.

Am I being impolite? Not sorry. Sick of political correctness. I come from the oldest, smartest, strongest tribe that owns billions of pounds in assets on earth. Jews have oranges and camo. I congratulate them. But there’s much more to be done.

Stay tuned.

2 thoughts on “Superiority

  1. I don’t even think you need to concede physics! Michelson, Einstein, Bohr, Born, Feynman, yes…. but where would they have been without James Clerk Maxwell’s unification of electricity and magnetism? Four simple equations describing *all* of the phenomena of E&M, from which spring all of QED and everything Einstein did with light. Their legacy is incredible, but Maxwell built the foundation that their house stands upon.

  2. Also, some light trivia: Everyone’s watching Game of Thrones, and one of the key locations is The Wall, a massive barrier of ice keeping winter and the fearsome ‘white walkers’ away from the people of the mainland. ‘Cept that it must have been the white walkers that built that magic-imbued wall, as much to keep the southerners out as to lock them in the north. Hadrian’s Wall embedded in modern fantasy…

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