My Nose Isn’t Broken But He Would Not Get in the Jeep

Don't feel like going to the vet today.

Don’t feel like going to the vet today.

I like the vet. She has boobs. I like boobs.

Where’s Mommy?

I don't like her to be driving it. It's way fast and she's a leadfoot.

I don’t like her to be driving it. It’s way fast and she’s a leadfoot.

Calm down, son. She can handle it. Thrash around any more and you might break my nose.

3 thoughts on “My Nose Isn’t Broken But He Would Not Get in the Jeep

  1. I am not a lead foot. As Raymond said, I’m a good driver. And the so sweet MR2 loves the NJ Turnpike.

    • You are a lead foot. And a tailgater. You refuse to remember the 2 second rule. You’re Jackie Stewart in hiding.

  2. No, I didn’t smack him. Before you suggest I did. He smacked my nose pulling back from the Jeep door. Not his fault. We have to get him used to riding again. We just had a long nap together. He doesn’t hate me. He hates the Jeep.

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