Drudge has learned the MSM game well.

Trump has the first state dinner of his presidency, a beautiful event and a rousing success with plenty of eye candy for men and women both.

So what does Drudge lead the day’s links with? What we all needed to see? Or just doing his part in the MSM’s Melania lockout? You be the judge.

One thought on “Drudge has learned the MSM game well.

  1. Matt Drudge has been a “Never Trumper” for a long time. One does not have to be a genius or conspiracy theorist to realize that Drudge, as a gay man (like a lot of gay men) probably has hebephile or pederast tendencies, or at the very least some skeleton in his closet. The intelligence community, who wanted, needed Hillary to win, knew the power Drudge had, and probably leaned on him from the beginning. It’s the kind of about-face that screams to intelligence analysts on the lookout for vulnerable blackmail victims (sort of like the 180 done by John Roberts). Ron Unz used to joke that the best way to get a career in politics was to do something illegal or really awful, and make sure only a small group of powerful people in Washington know about it. Lindsay Graham and John McCain are probably the most compliant footstools in politics, and there are good reasons for it, reasons that will remain private as long as the doggies play fetch.

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