from The Boomer Bible,
The Good Word According to Ult. Ned

Chapter 35
There was another caller who said he liked Harry's Way,
2  But how was one follower of the Way supposed to protect himself against the blame of another follower of the Way,
3  Because it seemed like things could get complicated if absolutely everybody was using the Trinity of Harry?
4  And then Harry replied to him without pause, saying,
There is no point whatever in thinking about such things,
At all.
For such as you, who profess to like my Way, but insist on thinking about it, I have formulated Two Commandments,
Which go like this:
Pursue your own desires, with all the certainty that comes from not thinking about anything at all.  This is the first and great Commandment. And the second is almost as important: Blame your neighbor before he can blame you. On these Two Commandments hang all the lessons of human experience.
10  I also have, in addition to these Commandments, a Tip,
11 Which I urge you to accept,
12  The Tip being, The one who receives the blame of others is the one who is last to point the finger of blame,
13  And the one is the last to point the finger of blame is invariably the one who has taken the time to think about it.
14  He who points the finger of blame without thinking about it at all will get away with everything,
15  Nine times out of ten,
16  And who can give you better odds than that?