Hi, everybody. Warning: You have just entered a No-Spinach
Zone. My memo for the day is about that gutless coward Oswami
Bin Addled. Remember him? He's
the jerk who knocked over the twin towers. But that'd be all right if he
only had the intestinal fortitude to come on the [Bracket] and explain
himself. The thing is, we've invited him to come on DOZENS of times, AND
HE DOESN'T EVEN RETURN OUR PHONE CALLS. So here's what I'm getting at.
He's a bum. Plenty of people do awful things. We can respect the ones who
are stand-up guys and show up to take the heat from your humble
correspondent. We can't respect the ones who hide from the No-Spinach
Zone in caves and put out a bunch of cheap videos where nobody gets to
ask them the hard questions. Put up or shut up Bin Addled. That's today's
memo. |