SPILT INK... Book 3
It was maverick investigator Frank Frelinger who claimed, back in 1990, to have received a copy of The Boomer Bible from the phantom punk writer band known as The Shuteye Train. He has been on their trail ever since, looking for evidence to authenticate the increasingly disputed existence of the punk writing movement. This book represents his report from the field. Far from final in its conclusions, it nevertheless presents the most intriguing hypothesis yet proposed to explain the extraordinary contradictions of South Street. He provides tantalizing clues about the nature of punk technology, the conspiracy which may account for the 'vanishing' of punk history, and a fascinating new perspective on the meaning of their largest work, The Boomer Bible. He also furnishes us with the first in-depth narratives of events on South Street written by outsiders. Will you agree with his theories? Read them and make up your own mind.  The book can be printed out fully formatted for 8-1/2" by 11" paper. Printing is easy. Each file contains a hyperlink that enables you to click open the next file for printout without referencing a table of contents. To order, click The Punk City Papers.
Spilt Ink © Copyright 1999, R. F. Laird