Almost Time for Tebow Time

Remember the Road Warrior? Teamwork is essential.

Teamwork is essential.

Two key personnel announcements this week. Tim Tebow is joining the New England Patriots. Right. And Sarah Palin is joining Fox News as an analyst. Right. First sign she’s really going to run for president. The big news, you see, will be when she resigns from Fox News a year or so from now. Informal announcement of candidacy. Tim should be available by then too.


You can see how it’s going to go. Sarah will run, the treacherous slime balls of the MSM will attack her in the vilest, most sexually demeaning ways possible, and then…


Tebow time!

I don’t know about you. I can’t wait.

2 thoughts on “Almost Time for Tebow Time

  1. R-

    Completely off-topic, but I tried to reach you via e-mail to no avail. My most recent novel was just published, and I want to get your opinion of it, especially since you have been in the industry for a long time (at least since “The Boomer Bible”). If you want a copy, I can send you one.

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