Yeah. I’m cool.
Only posting this because Saturday will be the debut of the Fox Sports Channel. Don’t actually have a lot of hope for that, but I am well and truly done with ESPN. They hired Keith Olbermann. Who does that? Who is so blind bone stupid that it’s somehow okay to sheer off half your total potential audience at a single stroke? Only the kind of maniac who also can’t figure out that national sports coverage shouldn’t consist of obsessive focus on the Yankees and Red Sox, the New York Jets, and A-Rod. As if we all, every one of us, give a crap about those things.
I used to watch ESPN religiously but I’ve sworn off it for years. I think it started when they were bought by Disney. Shortly afterward, Sportscenter ballooned into a 90-minute long circle jerk so they could devote less time to highlights and more to WNBA analysis & Trent Dilfer pontificating about whether Donavan McNabb should make the Hall of Fame on his first or second chance.
I also used to watch PTI until Tony Kornholer went on Monday Night Football and I officially could no longer stand to hear his voice (HUGE upgrade with Jon Gruden, though. Wowowow). But I well remember Jason Fatlock, who guest hosted for Michael Wilbon one week, and every day went on to ridicule bikers in the Tour de France as “not real athletes”. I don’t care if they were all doping at the time (not that his reasoning had anything to do with doping), that’s still the type of statement that is so retarded you’ve already lost if you bother to respond at all, especially when it comes from a fat douche.
That was also back when I was still doing fantasy football and Fatlock wrote some weekly column on ESPN.com called something like “7 NFL Truths”, which was always completely off base, even though his title declared him as a “NFL Guru”. But he fell out of favor when he criticized ESPN’s resident ABG (Angry Black Guy) Scoop Jackson for being a terrible Nat X impression (Chris Rock’s recurring character on Saturday Night Live). But see? All you have to do to get back in everyone’s good graces is start thinking correctly again (e.g. by becoming the very same Nat X impression he once ridiculed). Now he’s worth listening to again, right?
As for Olby. What do you expect? He’s been a colossal failure several times over whose high point was back when he was originally on ESPN, so the libtard good ol’ white boy network is hooking him up with a paycheck based on need rather than ability. In other words: he’s on welfare. He’s not actually much different from your average, crackhead Obamaphone voter, except that Olby went to Cornell *shudder*.
Look, I cancelled my TV service back in March. Haven’t missed it at all. Anything I want to watch I either stream or download. I’d suggest everyone else do the same, b/c even if you don’t watch ESPN, you’re still supporting it with your monthly tithe to the cable company.
“HUGE upgrade with Jon Gruden, though. Wowowow”
Sorry, Tim. Can’t think of a color announcer I’ve hated as much as Jon Gruden. Even the network has had to slap him down for his over praising of pedestrian talent. Iambic pentameter up the wazoo. Awful, awful, awful..
Come on, RL. You couldn’t taste the sarcasm dripping from that sentence? We talked about this before, how stunned I was that they jettisoned Jaworski IN FAVOR OF Gruden, who is atrocious. I think you wrote a post about him, which I wholeheartedly agreed with.
I believe I mentioned how, every now & then, Gruden would make a comment during MNF that made sense and was actually relevant to what was happening on the field. But then Gruden would start talking, and I’d realize I was mistaken b/c the previous comment had been made by Jaworski, whose voice sounds similar (much to his chagrin, I’m sure).
Sportscenter used to be awesome. Now it’s the sporting equivalent of a Michael Bay movie (and the NFL itself ain’t too far behind).
What can I do but fall on the sword.? Done.
I’ve seen that picture of Shitlock before, most recently appended to an article wherein someone took him to task for making a mean-spirited small dick joke about that Jeremy Lin. Am I the only one who thinks that stripper on the left sort of looks like a transsexual or maybe the North Korean dictator in drag?
Everyone I know gets all their news online these days, and that goes double for sports. Even when I stream I tend not to use a major network, so I don’t get too bent out of shape about the office politics of hiring and firing. I will say that if you watch five minutes of say Maddow or Olbermann or Maher with the sound off, you still feel yourself assaulted by exuding waves of smarm, of smugness turned up to a toxic 11. Guys like Hannity or O’Reily or Limbaugh can be pricks, but they are at least earnest in their demeanor.
“Am I the only one who thinks that stripper on the left sort of looks like a transsexual or maybe the North Korean dictator in drag?”