Lining up a shot across the bow. F-O-R-E Fore! You dumb? “Fore” means get out the way of my mighty putter.
With apologies to the band Them and their great one-hit wonder.
Like to tell ya about my line
You know it’s red all right
It’s dotted all along
And maybe not too brightThere’s a country that did wrong
By crossing my line
She used those chem weapons
She screwed my tee timeAnd her name is S-Y-R-I–
S-Y-R-I-A, Syria
S-Y-R-I-A, Syria
I’m gonna bomb her today (SYRIA)
I’m gonna bomb her tonight (SYRIA)
Yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeahShe’s jinxing my sand wedge
She’s losing my balls
Hell, she pissing me off, Joe,
And tanking my polls.Comes a-stomping on the greens
As I’m sighting a birdie
When my line is laid dead
She walks right through the dots
Yeah, she makes me see redS-Y-R-I-A, Syria
S-Y-R-I-A, Syria
I’m gonna bomb her today (SYRIA)
I’m gonna bomb her tonight (SYRIA)
Yeah-yeah-yeah-OH NO
Let the Congress decide. Syria.
(Dropped my club in a bunker) Syria.
Sorry about the “one-hit wonder” thing. I know it was Van Morrison’s song and band. I was thinking about someone else. Someone in particular.
Somewhat unrelated but have you ever heard of the Hash House Harriers?
Hope things are going well with you my friend! And, as an aside, if you hear anything about the banking system being infected with a worm you had better make sure you have some cash on hand and your gas tanks filled up. Maybe a 50lb. bag of rice also.
Syrian hackers have already broken into Marines.com and if they are not stopped it might lead to the destruction of vast amounts of US banking data. This will lead to martial law in all major metropolitan areas – this is something that the administration actually *wants* to happen.
I am not saying I can confirm this but there is already some discussion among IT people surrounding some mysterious issue that seems like it might crop up in banking. A worm of some kind that might eat a lot of data.
First Brizoni, now Helk! Looks like the band’s getting back together again under a new banner. Think we’ll go the way of the Stones — rocking eternally — or the way of the Beatles?
What a great song. Can’t get it out of my head.
(I know how much you love single word comments…)
Nobody sees that this is the best Syria post, content-wise, of all of them. What am I to do with all of you?