Now for an update…
The president is closeted with Kathleen Sebelius to prepare her for next week’s congressional hearings.
Meanwhile, the White House press secretary is doing his best to defend the administration and deflect attention from the president.

Mr. Carney, is the White House prepared to admit that the president has established a pattern of running away from every blossoming scandal — Fast & Furious, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, and now Aren’t you Obama flacks starting to wonder what sort of sniveling coward he is?
Oops. Raebert’s not entirely pleased. I’ll have to get back to you.
“The president is closeted with Kathleen Sebelius to prepare her for next week’s congressional hearings.”
And you know what he’s telling her: “There’s a cushy Energy Secretary position with your name on it if you jump on this grenade for me.” Or maybe she could be the next Supreme Court nominee? I mean, why not? Who would stop that from happening? The Republicans? Pfffff. And adorable, fluffy Bo will be made chairman of the joint chiefs. He’ll look so cute in his wee doggie uniform.
Apart from not giving us a chuckle, I don’t think you understand. The president can’t afford to fire Sebelius. Confirmation hearings for her successor would give Repubs a solid gold opportunity to relitigate ObamaCare across the board. He’s STUCK with her.
Sorry. I don’t place any hope in the Scottish nobility of the GOP to do the right thing. They’re utterly clueless as to what to do with golden opportunities. They’re the good guy in those idiotic movies who always offers the villain a hand up as he’s dangling from the ledge. And they act surprised when the bad guy responds to their kindness with a knife to the ribs. Every. Single. Time.
Since it’s clear you can no longer laugh, here’s what you want. It’s about the Black and Tans:
So is this.
A smile maybe, after all my work?
You nailed it! Obama is Judge Doom. He has a vision… and “My God, it’ll be beautiful.” Start at 1:08: