Sad, Sad, Sad. Sometimes it really does seem the whole world is Out of Control.
Courtesy of Drudge. The “sexiest man alive” is going to be promoting ObamaCare. Dingy little generic rock star with a thin voice and an imitative tongue. How gullible do they think we are?
I give you the “sexiest man alive.”
Honestly. Moves like Jagger? In his dreams. He’s a statue. Christina Aguilera would rather have which scalp on her belt? Adam Levine or Mick Jagger? I rest my case.
Schmuck. He and Obama deserve each other.
Blech. I heard that song during volleyball practice, assumed it was Bieber or some boy band. That the keening, poppy, whistling little voice and those insulting lyrics are coming from the tattooed man… I wish I hadn’t clicked that link and found out the truth. I can only hope that his career and that whole genre of music bombs like Obamacare. It’ll kill fewer people at least.