Sure we’re charmed. But writers and directors? Shakespeare had his own problems, but resenting the award academies wasn’t one of them.
Everyone’s abuzz with how few female Oscar nominations there will be. Somehow, there are supposed to be more women writers, directors, and producers who are really really good. Sorry.
It’s not sexism. It’s not a mystery. As all smart women will tell you, women are mostly not as interesting as men. The only interesting women are the women who understand how interesting men are. These are women who wouldn’t try to make a movie starring Meryl Streep. But that’s what Hollywood women are compelled to do. Even though Meryl Streep is the crashing bore to end all crashing bores, she’s the feminist unicorn. A golden icon that doesn’t actually exist. In talent terms, I mean. Ask any women you actually talk to. All men would pick Helen Mirren, who just couldn’t wait to be naked in front of a camera. Besides being such a great actress and a Dame and all. Absolutely nobody wants to see Meryl Streep naked. The same way nobody wants to see Lena Dunham naked. I rest my case.
Oh forget it. I never said anything. Noth-Thing. I know Noth-Thing.
“The same way nobody wants to see Lena Dunham naked.”
Barf. No kidding. What a surprise that show has tanking ratings.
Game of Thrones, on the other hand…
Was Girls among the list of shows that Obama supposedly liked (were he not an android poorly imitating an actual human)?
I’d say Girls falls into the category of shows Obama actually watches but wouldn’t admit to in a “candid interview”. Maybe Leena Dunham looks better if you choom.
Just kidding with my previous comment. There’s no way that manly stud has time for a show like Girls with all the Sports Center he watches. *Tim Allen voice* Err, err, errrrr!