Instapunk Rules, the Website.

Older, nastier, better.

Older, nastier, better.

So. There will be two new websites. One designed to help Hotair and Breitbart and Fox News write better. And one that returns to our origins.

Instapunk Rules.

Deerhound Diary has been fun. An interlude. But the battle being waged is for our nation. I can’t stand down. And neither can the others who used to help me post at Instapunk: Country Punk, LocoPunk, TruePunk, the Glimmers, the XOFF News Channel, and all the rest. I’m also given to understand that Johnny Dodge will occasionally venture from his Last Chance Garage to post at the new site in return for my occasional postings at his. What do they call that? Win/Win.

It will take a few days to sort out the software. As I get older and wiser, I get less tech-savvy. Tell you anything about yourselves? I thought not.

I’ll never get arrested for texting while walking. I’m likely to be arrested or audited or quietly killed for thinking Obama is the worst disaster in American history. But they can come for me any time. They’re already inserting ads for my own Obama book into every website I visit. Would that scare you? It doesn’t scare me. I always knew that’s who they were. What’s important is that they not come for you, not scare you out of the fight. I’m Instapunk. Nobody intimidates me.

Why it’s time for me to go back to Instapunk Rules. No quarter given or taken. No sleight too slight to punish. No target too big to take down.


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