As reported on by the folks at Hotair:
Maybe Jimmy Fallon really does want to follow Jay Leno’s tradition of full-political-spectrum comedy. Earlier this week, Fallon ripped Barack Obama for his victory lap on ObamaCare, and last night he invited Sarah Palin to join him in this four-minute mockfest of Obama’s foreign-policy acumen. Palin is a good sport here, joking about the unusual names of her children at one point, but the subtext throughout this is that Palin was smart enough to see through Vladimir Putin — and Obama wasn’t. Watch for a cameo from “Obama” near the end (via Katie Pavlich).
Of course, the mindless Palin haters came out in droves on Twitter. But who cares?
P.S. Though I have to admit Raebert isn’t that keen on Sarah’s voice, which he finds, uh, keening.

He gets a kind of tormented look. I don’t think it’s political. Like all deerhounds, he’d still like to see her naked. Just not high-pitched naked. For the record, he doesn’t like Jagger falsettos either.
Why, I guess, he’s so fond of Harris Faulkner.
P.P.S. Keep an eye on all the Top 100 related posts. We’ve got a bunch by now, and I think I’ve responded to most. If I’ve missed anybody, let me know. It wasn’t intentional and we’re all over the place by now. Weigh in wherever you want but do weigh in. Everybody’s list has gems that will be new to us. Explore. And now that you’ve done the hard part, how does it make you feel? Are you surprised by the breadth of your favorites? I know I am.