Scottish Timeout

Just remembered I failed to put Scottish music in my Top 100 list. Not even AC/DC. Bad Robert.

Does this explain Raebert’s curiously defensive posture of the past few days?

Talk to the paw. If you don't have Cheetos or pizza crust, I have nothing to say.

Talk to the toys. If you don’t have Cheetos or pizza crust, I have nothing to say.

Wouldn’t put it past him. At this point, wouldn’t put anything past him.

Oh. Is that better then?

Ya know? Ya don't know much, do you?

Ya know? Ya don’t know much, do you?

All right, Rae. No more helicopters. Just the straight Scottish stuff. They killed his wife. Then he killed them. This is the actual footage. Why it’s so jumpy and grainy and washed out. A chance to get in touch with your heroic past as the noblest of all dogs.

Unfortunately, the medieval cameraman filming the event got decapitated just before William Wallace slaughtered the man who murdered Murron. Are we good now?

Ya know? Ya don't know much, do you?

Sure. I just have one other thing to do first.

Raebert. Stop it. Come away from there. You’re making us look bad.

"Rae, they're mannequins." "You go on ahead. I'll catch up with the Scottish stuff, I promise."

“Rae, they’re mannequins.” “You go on ahead. I’ll catch up with the Scottish stuff later, I promise.”

Thinking you’re already way caught up with the Scottish stuff, Rae. Lie down.


Why do they make us yell at them?

5 thoughts on “Scottish Timeout

      • Okay. Edna’s right. It can be done, and it’s stunning. The easy way is with two platforms. I plugged the iPhone into the speakers and turned off the sound at the iPad while I ran the AC/DC video on iPad and the bagpipes on iPhone.

        Give it a try. Cell phone plus PC should work just as well. Amazing.

        Thanks, E.

  1. played the bagpipes video scrolled down and watched the ACDC without sound is how I did it.

    • Ah. Doesn’t work with iPad. But found a workaround for other similarly challenged folk. Either way, an inspired suggestion.

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