From the Jeep. Legal immigrants who work their rear ends off farming on the other side of our road. Bradford Pear trees in bloom. Failte. Koreans. Good neighbors. American dream not dead.
What you need to know. They work round the clock, all year long. Sometimes they keep us awake hammering vine growing poles into the turf before their next crop season. During the exceptionally wet spring we get every year, we look across the road and see the rice paddies of Vietnam, a lake studded with coolie hats and women in muddy pajamas. Working, working, working. The earth is fertile still. Even after a killing winter, life returns with new green and white.
We xenophobe hick clingers find it inspiring. Why I was compelled to snap a photo of their driveway on this very Good Friday.
Feel free to click on the pic and blow it up to your heart’s content. It’s huge. Let it blossom…