Your SOOPER Pre-Super-Bowl-Commercials & Promos Show

A lot of you are going to be tuning in to The Super Bowl today, not for the latest display of referee attention seeking but for the spectacular advertising and promotional premieres. Yet all the pre-game focus is going to be on NFL Football, which many of you just don’t find very entertaining anymore because of their politics and yours. Why we’re offering a unique pre-game show just for you.

And, yes it starts with politics, though not politics for blood. Politics for laughs. Not even contemporary politicians or elections. We’re talking great campaign ads of the dead or demented past. What could be more benign?

Lindsey Graham

Hillary for President

Obama for President 1

John Makane for President

Obama for President 2

Hillary for Another Time

Nancy for Speaker


Next up, promos for movies and things…

Indiana Jones

Belovèd Bastard

From Childhood’s Hour

Super Trailer!!!


Now for a fun change of pace, how about some more oldies but goodies from the Fluff Vault Of Super Bowls past, including the Puppy Bowl, the Cat Bowl, AND the Babe Bowl…





And for the Grand Finale…

YOU Watching Ads and Promos On TeeVee [Click this title, not the pic.]

If you love Nike and Mercedes ads, you’ll love this. Click on Channel 3 of the Remote Control to start the broadcast. Keep clicking the big green dot until the end of the broadcast and then just Back Button to return to FaceBook, courtesy of Shuteye Town 1999.

Thanks for watching. And whatever else you do today, enjoy the Super Bowl!
