Afghanisand. Okay, so we looked at the map, and we finally found it way over by Injia of all places. That's where we had to go to kick some serious Arab ass after the 911 thing. It's mostly mountains, and the women wear burkas, which are these, like, giant blue condoms that cover everything, including even their face. You can see that the men never smile, and we wouldn't either. They don't even have the energy to shave. In the almanac it says that Afghanisand has 25 million people and 16.5 miles of railway. No wonder the Amerian troops have to do everything by plane. Those military guys have got to be brave to fly in planes like that. After 911, you'd think they'd be scared. You don't see the Afghanisandis going anywhere in planes. It's tanks or Toyodas or nothing with them. They're not stupid. We're not saying the Amerian troops are stupid. They're brave. That's what we're saying. And we're not saying the Afghanisandis are scared. They're not stupid. That's what we're saying.