The French Boob Mystery

Are you starting to see the problem? Don't the French,
like, claim that boobs were invented in Franch in the first place? And
it's not like they're exactly shy. Because they have that dance
where you can look up their skirt—if
they're wearing a skirt. And they sure don't mind
taking their clothes off and letting some dude artist paint them while
they're having a bath, or not even having a bath, but just sitting around
with their bottoms off.
It didn't used to be like this. Back in the old days, when
they did their painting in black and white, they didn't have any boob problem.
Like this woman has a
set that won't quit, and she wasn't pulling any of that
and-show-him-your-ass-instead crap. She had great big giant boobs, and
who cares who sees them? Which is how Franch ought to be all over when
you think about it.
So what's going on?
Franch used to have an empire. But it shrunk away to nothing.
Franch used to have a code of manners, called etiquette. But it shrunk
away to nothing.
is one of those French babes who are always taking their clothes off and
having a bath for some artist. Only this time she forgot to turn away,
or to take off her pants instead of her top, or even to keep her robe closed.
Do you see what we think we see?

Here are three progressive photo enhancements of
the evidence. Our conclusion? Like their empire and etiquette, French boobs
have shrunk to nothing. Is this why French intellectuals
stopped believing in God?
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