
from The Boomer Bible
Book of Hallites

Chapter 15
So actually, that's about all you have to remember about the Way of Harry,
2  If you work for the government,
3  Because most of it comes pretty naturally to you anyway.
4  Of course, there are a couple of additional points that are important if you're an elected official,
5  Because people see more of you when you're elected,
6  And you have more chances of getting caught.
7  For this reason, it's wise to remember that you can get away with everything,
8  As long as you always say what people desire you to say,
9  And always yield to the ones who are most certain about whatever it is they're certain about,
10  And always be ready to join them in blaming whoever it is they desire to blame,
11  Without thinking about it at all,
12  Because isn't that what democracy is all about?
13  You bet it is.