Miracle in Missouri?

Why not dead?

Why not dead?

Two sources, via Drudge. First, the U.K. Mail:

The riddle of the ‘angel priest’: Holy man appeared from nowhere to pray with trapped girl and rescuers in traffic accident, told them she would be OK and then vanished…

Katie Lentz was hit head-on by a drunk driver on Sunday morning on an isolated stretch of Missouri highway…

Emergency workers battled for over an hour to rescue her but they couldn’t free her from the car wreck…

Lentz requested a moment of prayer and a priest appeared – even though the road was blocked off…

He prayed and told the rescuers that Lentz would now be freed – and she was…

They turned to thank him – but he was gone…

Also, from USA Today:

Emergency workers and community members in eastern Missouri are not sure what to make of a mystery priest who showed up at a critical accident scene Sunday morning and whose prayer seemed to change life-threatening events for the positive.

Even odder, the black-garbed priest does not appear in any of the nearly 70 photos of the scene of the accident in which a 19-year-old girl almost died. No one knows the priest and he vanished without a word, said Raymond Reed, fire chief of New London, Mo.

“I think it’s a miracle,” Reed said. “I would say whether it was an angel that was sent to us in the form of a priest or a priest that became our angel, I don’t know. Either way, I’m good with it.”

I’m good with it too, miracle or not.

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