The Earliest Baby Picture

I'll be born in a month or so.

I’ll be born in a month or so.

Had to share this. I know the child’s mother. She’ll be having her baby sometime in September.

Why the left is doomed to lose its desperate defense against the banning of “late-term abortion.” People know that those are babies in there, not inconvenient cellular baggage. Fully 65 percent of women oppose abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy. And the better the imaging technology gets, the more that number of weeks will get rolled back.

Eventually, the term “progressive” will become synonymous with “nihilist.” Can’t happen soon enough for me.

One thought on “The Earliest Baby Picture

  1. I’m convinced that a good 80% of “progressivism” can be explained by FUD syndrome — “F*** You, Dad”.

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