NSFW: Slap Happy.


Know what? I’m sick of liberals and progressives. I hate them. I HATE them. Not shy about using that word. Robert Whitcomb? I hate YOU. Stinking, smarmy, learned, asshole lefty twits of the world, I really really do hate you.

News? The lefties are all pissed off that there’s a lame site called “Slap Hillary.” Really? Like anyone would care to slap that flat chested little wide hipped Yale hippo who trailed behind her slimy husband to try winning the presidency of the United States.

But. The lefties have been slapping Sarah for years. Which included the porn photo above. That’s okay. Apparently.

Screw them. It doesn’t matter how dirty they want to get. They’ll never win. Basic facts liberals can’t live with. Nobody wants to screw Hillary. Everybody wants to screw Sarah Palin. The difference between mediocrity and beauty.