Just Resting…

It's all good.

It’s all good.

He wants that big leg over mine. I want it there too. We’ll talk about destroying the house and the status quo ante later. (No we won’t.) Think about what it’s like to have a conscious, flawed being in thrall to you. They know some of your commands. They disobey constantly. You threaten them with all kinds of doom. But dammit, there’s some love in there, and golden calfs etc notwithstanding, you know when all is said and done you’re the one they love.

Which is why absolution is not abstract but easy.

5 thoughts on “Just Resting…

  1. btw, catch up, people. Lots of food for comment, even if I did do it all in one night. Never claimed to be a turtle. Why do you think I’m resting?

    • We’re back from the trip, rolled in at 10 last night after meeting up with a ton of CT and visiting family along the way. Some anniversary!

      I did manage to get The Liberty Amendments last night and crack the first chapter before fading out.

  2. Internet access is limited at the moment, but glad to see the burst of new posts. Will investigate more thoroughly in a few days.

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