
Kathy Griffin wants to show us her breasts. Whoopee!

Kathy Griffin wants to show us her breasts. Whoopee! (Of course I’d look. All men who’d tell you otherwise are lying. Men. Love. Breasts. Even the breasts of Greta van Susteren, who’s whining now.)

My wife is mad at me for calling out Brizoni. Maybe she’s right. She thinks it’s unfair of me to reproduce a silly selfie he posted on his Facebook page. I think it’s my responsibility to say come home, prodigal son, all can be forgiven. We’ve agreed to disagree.

So let me talk about Kathy Griffin instead. Desperate for attention is a sad state. She seems to pride herself on being D-List, meaning people know you but don’t care if you die. Why she’s gone to such extremes of late. Simulating oral sex with Anderson Cooper, ripping off her blouse with Anderson Cooper, and most recently promising to go topless with Anderson Cooper on their annual New Year’s CNN gig. Phooey.

It’s understandable that people want attention. Being outrageous is a quick way to achieve that. Thing is, it’s getting harder to be outrageous. People who sport bare boobs, show off silly hair dye, and say “unacceptable” things on Twitter are a dime a dozen. The hard thing is being outrageous by demonstrating thought and intelligence.

I’m betting that Kathy Griffin has nipples. But she refuses to confirm that fact for the many millions who might doubt it. In truth, she lied. She said, in effect, if you want to see my nipples, watch me and Anderson on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t deliver. Hmmm.

Who does that remind us of? It’s a lot like someone who promises to be smart and original and turns out to be dumb and dull dull dull dull dull.

Wife still mad at me, but my conscience is clear.

One thought on “Placeholder

  1. I don’t know if this has been mentioned, but…

    Has anyone ever seen Brizoni and Kathy Griffin in the same place at the same time?

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