A retired writer. And an animal magnet.

Buster thinks I belong to him.

Just to set the context. This all happened tonight. I don’t have a picture of the brand new magnetee, Mel, who threw away his mom in favor of me and lolled and purred until I made him stop.

Then there was Kiki, who’s a nasty little girl until she decides my lap belongs to her and her alone.

And Mr. Elliott, who patiently waits his turn because he’s always known my lap belongs ultimately to him.

Not to mention Eloise, who thinks my right hip is exclusively hers.

Iris too. The perfect white cat. What does she do? Waits till I’m sound asleep and occupies my lap till I wake. Not kidding. The missus will back all this up.

What should I say about all this? Nothing obviously. what life is like.

One thought on “A retired writer. And an animal magnet.

  1. Thanks for sharing images of your better beings, champ! Hope all is well with you.

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