What could be more important?
Almost all the nations of the world are broke and trading each others’ debt like stock. The Middle East is plunging into a new dark age fueled by religious hatred of everyone who achieved something like civilization. One or two of them are determined to build nuclear weapons to annihilate the infidels while the rest fiddle and turn away.
The United States, whose self imposed responsibility it was, for over a century, to keep this stinky stew of a world from boiling over is now being led (there’s a word) by a cartoon character as pompously boastful and brave as Daffy Duck, who hates absolutely everyone but uniformed dictators and Muslims.

Most recently, this whole nation is subsiding into penury and oppression, as Daffy’s malignant will to power steadily converts government services into tools of intimidation and tyranny.
Simultaneously, this same great nation is saddled with a generation of youth who can’t find their own country on a map and can’t be induced to pay attention to anything but exhortations to promiscuous sex, vampires, and zombies. Not a coincidence.
At the exact present moment, the federal government hasn’t had a budget in five years and is about to have its credit card declined at Sears, while millions of people are being compelled to sign over the responsibility for their healthcare to a government system that doesn’t even exist. This is called a glitch. A glitch.
But we’re asked to believe that a major issue of the day commanding our immediate attention is the 80 year old name of a professional sports team.
Really? Really? Really?
Even Ed Morrissey at the conservative Hotair website seems to think there’s something to think about here.
Thanks to a long and wonderful day with my granddaughters, I didn’t get a chance to watch the RedskinsBarrycaders-Cowboys game until well after halftime, and it turned out to be much as I predicted (which is rare enough this season, I grant you). I didn’t get to see the Steelers win their first game over the Jets, either. All of that was balanced by not having to sit through this rehash of a lecture from Bob Costas, who took two and a half minutes of halftime to tell the NBC audience absolutely nothing it already hadn’t heard repeatedly in the naming controversy in Washington…
Frankly, I don’t have an opinion on this topic, except to say that the opposing arguments have clearly been delineated, and have been for years. I am not a Native American, and don’t particularly feel the need to take offense on their part; I figure that Native Americans can express themselves perfectly well on that issue themselves, if they do take offense. I’m also not a Washington Redskins Barrycaders fan. Not only did Costas not say anything new, he didn’t even have the nerve to actually take a stand. He just meanders around for two and half minutes like a tourist through a debate museum, and then finishes by saying in essence, “Hey, maybe they had a point!”
Ed’s an ass. Of course Costas was taking a stand, and of course Ed’s a Native American. Indians, or Native Americans as Indians insist on hyperbolizing their identities (Canadians are more correct in referring to their ‘aboriginal peoples’), are already lavishly over-admired in our culture, endowed by an incessant PR effort with a wisdom and entitlement they’ve done no more than any illiterate neolithic tribe to earn. Spectacular success for a people whose principal contribution to our shared legacy is the scalping of defeated enemies. But since they mostly died toothless before the age of 30, we should probably make allowances. Would that the savages who inhabit the corridors of power in Washington shared the same fate.
Still. I was amazed to learn that not only the terms Redskins (self-named as I understand), Indians and Chiefs are considered a slur by Bob Costas and company but also ‘warriors.’
Where I beg to differ. If some damn tribe of redskin injuns had run into my tribal ancestors in the highlands of Scotland, they’d have learned what warriors really are. The Romans built a wall across all of England to keep Scottish warriors out. Injuns. We’d have butchered them. They’d be carrying their sorry asses back to South Dakota with both hands. If you know what I’m saying.
I’m guessing the Zulu, the Mongols, and the Vikings would have similar thoughts.
If you know what I’m saying.
How stupid do we have to be to get lulled into idiot non-controversies like this?
No. Don’t answer. Your explanation would be too depressing to read.