His music is like the end of life. My apologies. Bitte, Lake.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Obviously, we’ve been busy here. Falling into a new routine. My wife is gradually becoming nocturnal, sleeping much of the day and staying up most of the night, probably an inherent propensity. That’s my natural rhythm too, but I can’t follow her penchant because I have to feed the seven others in our household beginning at dawn. So we now visit for a few hours a day until one or the other, depending on the clock, dozes off. So be it. But my legs and energy are slowly getting stronger, and we will work through this.
But, also obviously, I’ve pretty much fallen out of the great electronic multiverse. No updates at the languishing other site. Not much here either. I haven’t even checked my email and text messages. No stomach for it. Getting used to isolation. The island writ supreme.
Perhaps that gives rise to paranoia, but when I check Drudge, as I still do from time to time, what I’m seeing now is a series of snapshots of collapse. In just five years, the United States has plunged into a state of ruin. The CIA can’t stop one renegade whistleblower from fleeing through five hostile countries. The government officials and officeholders can’t (or won’t) remember that the real outrage is what he revealed about the destruction of American privacy and liberty, which is supposedly what we were defending from the Islamist (who?) terror threat. They’d much prefer to scream for the whistleblower’s head. So called conservatives are ready, willing, and able to pass another gigantic pork laden bill without reading it, all for the purpose of placating their own funding sources and lobbyist cronies. The president is utterly and completely AWOL, jetting from one irrelevant place to another, silent as the tomb about everything important and maundering on about climate control while all the world’s most ambitious powers laugh in his face. Meanwhile the nation’s press is collectively cutting its own throat, and ours, by choosing to push the narrative that there are no real scandals — not NSA, not PRISM, not the IRS, not Benghazi, not HHS extortion, not even freedom of the press. David Gregory yesterday aligned NBC with the DOJ’s position that a reporter who receives a story objectionable to the government from a lawbreaking whistleblower is a co-conspirator subject to prosecution. Oh yeah. And the stock market is beginning to go south.
The constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the nation’s global power and influence are all in tatters.
It’s called collapse. But all of us are too busy to notice, right? We have our own schedules, appointments, and personal commitments to keep us diverted from the exponentially cascading end of the American Experiment. None of this is as important as what I’m doing today and tomorrow. (Uh, hardly.)
God help us all. But he’s got a very good reason by my lights to be too busy too.
What we deserve no doubt. Still horrifying and sickening to witness. Or have we all just stopped watching?
PS. Couldn’t resist this because it’s sooo symbolic. On the feminist front, MADD has agreed that illegal immigrants with two DUIs should still be eligible for amnesty. Even the most ostentatiously self-righteous humanistic causes aren’t about solving problems anymore. They’re about promoting ever bigger government by mindlessly endorsing all leftist policies. Can’t wait for the position of MADCAT (Mothers Against Dangerous Cell-phoning and Texting) with regard to middle eastern immigrants. Since every Indian and Pakistani and Arab in retail is on his cellphone 100 percent of the time, all day, every day, even if no mere paying customer can get their attention. Who cares if they’re buying pirated Bollywood films or pressure cookers? I’m sure MADCAT’s tolerance will be nearly infinite. Collapse.
The Island
Amazing. People are like cats. When one of them is hurt or sick or injured, cats react by becoming hostile or isolate.
The same thing happens with people. Especially when someone is regarded as normally invulnerable. How they wind up on the island. Nobody wants to confront the reality that the supermen of their lives can be laid low by anything.
Why dogs really are superior. Their impulse when you’re hurt or alone is to get closer, even if there’s some barking and snarling involved.
Nobody likes it, nobody wants to believe that my wife, Boudica, is really hurt. They’d prefer to stay away and pretend it didn’t happen or isn’t serious.My friends the same. Not realizing or wanting to know that there is no me without her.
Um. One exception. The one who has been here throughout. Call her Boudica Junior.
Why we’re not alone on the Island.
PS. No dog is an island.
Time for Punks
Time to quit pretending this joker wants anything but the conversion of the United States into a Third World barbarian tribal state.
The Catholic media is up in arms over comments President Obama made during a speech while in Northern Ireland for the G8 summit. Obama made what is described as “an alarming call for an end to Catholic education,” in spite of the fact that it is considered “a critical component of the Church.”In front of an audience of about 2,000 young people, including many Catholics, Obama claimed that Catholic education divides people and blocks peace, according to the Scottish Catholic Observer.
“If towns remain divided -— if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden—that too encourages division and discourages cooperation,” Obama said
Catholic World News noted:
Ironically, President Obama made his comments just as Archbishop Gerhard Müller, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, told a crowd in Scotland that religious education upholds the dignity of the human person. Archbishop Müller said that Catholic schools should promote “all that is good in the philosophies of societies and human culture.”
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf quoted the Observer’s article on Fr. Z’s blog and added:
Another example of what this man wants: total isolation of any religious values in the private sphere alone. Pres. Obama is working either to intimidate or legislate or even TAX religious freedom out of the public square.
Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a foreign visit to an Islamic nation where he told people on his arrival that they shouldn’t have Madrases. Can you?
Did he when visiting, say, Israel, say “You Jews shouldn’t have synagogue schools and you muslims shouldn’t have mosque schools.” I can’t remember. Did The Catholic media is up in arms over comments President Obama made during a speech while in Northern Ireland for the G8 summit. Obama made what is described as “an alarming call for an end to Catholic education,” in spite of the fact that it is considered “a critical component of the Church.”
Time for everyone to throw away labels like conservative and liberal. Our president will do anything to defend Islamists from “profiling.” Meanwhile he does everything he can to prevent Christians and Jews from sustaining a culture that has no other solid underpinning.
What’s the year? 1938. If you can’t see how dire our situation is, you don’t deserve even to be alive.
The clock is ticking…
Like many many Americans, my wife thinks Marco Rubio is cute. She hates it when I point out that he’s balding faster than Bruce Willis in his Moonlighting TV series and already has the look of a fat man ready to burst out of a young body. You know that look. It’s the look most corrupt old urban pols had before they started bloating up on bribes in office.
But this isn’t a political post. It’s just a warning to all you charisma junkies. Prompted by my seeing Sarah Palin on Fox & Friends this morning. She was co-hosting. In a miniskirt and strappy spike heels.
Amazing woman. After all the disgusting sexual insult and abuse she has been subjected to, she’s still not afraid to be the hot chick absolutely everyone knows she is.
Marco’s little spike of popularity is wilting. If not today, then soon and for the rest of his life. Count on it.
Father Figures
It was Father’s Day. Got the usual cards and stuff, but all I am anymore is a grandfather. Marooned as we are, we celebrated the day mostly by watching movies, two we sat through and one I only saw advertised because I don’t need to see it again.
First up was “To Kill a Mockingbird.” Which, to be honest, I’ve had my problems with over the years. Not because I mind a movie in which nothing whatever happens for the first two or three hours, but because I feel mockingbirds are seriously misrepresented. They’re absolutely not little Billy Budds on the wing. They are highly intelligent, devious, and frequently malicious little bastards who deserve a comeuppance as much as slicksters and conmen of any other species. I remember a mocker who decided on slight evidence that a cat named Tigger had assaulted his nest. (Yeah, he was probably guilty but the case was purely circumstantial…) For two weeks thereafter, Tigger couldn’t take a step outside without being dive-bombed, chased, and driven into the bushes alongside the house.
It reached a climax when I was finally present to witness the extremity of Tigger’s distress. The mocker stationed himself on a telephone wire in front of the house, like a middle linebacker shadowing the quarterback. Whenever, wherever Tigger moved, the attack came like a furious pass rush. One time tough guy Tigger cringed and tried to press his body into the foundation of the house. While the mocker returned to the wire and laughed, yes, laughed at his victim.
I’d had enough. I got the hose, turned the nozzle to the “jet” setting and blasted the little sonofabitch off the wire. Then I did it again. Which is all it took to show the newly moistened maniac that the first time wasn’t an accident. He left Tigger alone after that. But don’t try to sell me on the crapola that mockingbirds are God’s defenseless little sweethearts.
Where were we? Oh, right. The fraudulence of the central metaphor aside, the movie is an excellent representation of a lost ideal of fatherhood. It reminds my wife of her own father, and it reminds me of my paternal grandfather. Yes, there really were such men. Believe it and experience the sorrow of not having such a one in your own life. Men whose natural gravity and goodness sufficed to replace angry words, punishment, and lectures. The very worst thing you could possibly do was disappoint their abiding faith in you, and you’d do anything to prevent that catastrophe.
I almost never watch movies multiple times, and I avoid TKAM because it always makes me miss the key figure of my childhood, but I watched it all the way through again last night. This time, an old man myself, I found myself fixated on the suits Atticus Finch wore in every scene. He wasn’t a dandy. He was just dressed for behaving with politesse and honor, dressed for living up to the demands of life. I miss that more than I can say. There are no role models in track suits.
Next up was Life with Father, which old time Hollywood turned into a fairly broad comedy with father as the reliably stuffy, unobservant Victorian punchline. The movie itself is entertaining, a Technicolor delight starring William Powell, Irene Dunne, and a very young Elizabeth Taylor. But I was reminded of the book it came from, in which Father comes across rather differently, not as a punchline but the rock-ribbed anchor of a household. Neither unkind nor hopelessly rigid, he set an example of duty, firm principle, and magnanimous authority that is also missing in action today.
Finally, the one I didn’t want to, didn’t need to watch again: Searching for Bobby Fischer. Another necessary variety of father, the one who drives his offspring to fulfill the very best they are capable of. In our time, such pressure looks indistinguishable from child abuse. But it isn’t when the men behind it are motivated by love and faith rather than narcissism. We need more fathers who make serious demands on their children, not just in terms of accomplishment but character, morality, and discipline.
I meant this to be a positive post. Why do I feel that Father’s Day has slowly become a kind of Memorial Day, mostly devoted to remembering what is irretrievably lost?
Da Nile
So we have ourselves a pharaoh. A god-king. Just what the founders had in mind. (Excuse me. I’ve just been corrected in the Comments. The “founding founders.“)
King Tut was all golden and shiny, famous in the end for being famous and shiny, not for anything he actually accomplished. He just had more stuff than we ever found with any other pharaoh. That will be Obama’s legacy too. More pictures with Beyonce, LeBron, and other gilded idols than any other president ever had.
Just how stupid are we? A symbolic pagan god-king can be absent from the history of his own time. (It’s impossible to name ANY historical event King Tut was involved in.) But if we want more from our leaders than golden masks and divine gestures, we should be liberal and modern enough to demand that they actually be present during their rule.
What we never get from our own American god-king. Almost a year later, we have no information at all about where he was on the night of Benghazi. Except that he had a fundraising date in Vegas next day. He made one strong remark about the IRS scandal and has been silent since. He endorses Holder, promotes Susan Rice, and says nothing, nothing, nothing about the NSA or ANY of the multiplying scandals of his administration. He just wears his suits to usual good effect.
God-kings don’t have to be leaders. Good. Because he isn’t. Not a single leadership gene in his whole fucking body. God-kings just have to have golden masks.
The only question is why we as a people have so nostalgically reincarnated the mentality of ancient Egyptians. When you figure it out, please let Chris Matthews know…
Well, not the only question. There are others. Why do you still think you would have stood up in all the great moral crises in history? That you’d have been an abolitionist, a suffragist, a civil rights activist, a heroic anti-Nazi in 1930s Germany? Why are you not screaming all day long and all night long right now? Until you’re hoarse and broken and bleeding from a rage that cannot be voiced without injuring your mind and body. Why can’t you see that the current siege of scandals is more notice than most people ever get of their chance to be importantly moral?
Oh. I forgot. You love Beyonce’s ass and Obama’s celebrity schedule too. A golden mask is always, well, golden. Ain’t it? Not to mention a Golden Ass, always turned toward those who would kiss it forever…
All it ever has to be is a royal ass. Unless you still think you’re immune. Still, you know, in Da Nile.
Almost Time for Tebow Time
Two key personnel announcements this week. Tim Tebow is joining the New England Patriots. Right. And Sarah Palin is joining Fox News as an analyst. Right. First sign she’s really going to run for president. The big news, you see, will be when she resigns from Fox News a year or so from now. Informal announcement of candidacy. Tim should be available by then too.
You can see how it’s going to go. Sarah will run, the treacherous slime balls of the MSM will attack her in the vilest, most sexually demeaning ways possible, and then…
Tebow time!
I don’t know about you. I can’t wait.
Kennel of Fools
I wrote a series of posts on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. Here’s one excerpt:
What do I mean when I talk of splintering? That each of us devolves to one predominant emotion that is somehow isolating. Apotheosis speaks of spite. Eduardo speaks of being sick of sadness as if sadness were irreconcilable with rage. It’s all part of the splintering. Precipitated by the slow withdrawing from MSM view of the images that seared our hearts in the first place — because they might offend the survivors. The first splinter.
Other splinters? Loss of heart. Loss of faith. Conservative/libertarian neo-isolationism, the first since Republicans wanted to give Hitler a free pass in Europe. Not our business. Transference in the form of Bush Derangement Syndrome. He was more than clever in realizing that we could not garrison the U.S. to keep ourselves safe by purely defensive means. He chose a strategy akin to the Allied decision to fight Hitler in North Africa because they couldn’t fight him anywhere else.. So Bush fought in Iraq to keep them away from here. And (omg) he was right. Al qaida streamed into Iraq to fight the Great Satan and died by the thousands, draining their blood and treasure. More splinters. (But) Bush was the problem of terrorism. He was creating enemies we hadn’t had before. Really? If we were just nice to the jihadists, they would be nice back. Like they were in London and Madrid, etc, etc. So we dismissed him from office, hated, ridiculed, endlessly maligned, entirely forgetting that the next great big attack on American soil never happened.
I also had a loftier view of it all. Which seems sadly, naively optimistic now.
Liberalism intervened, the way it usually does, substituting insanity for common sense. Martial victory was transformed to diplomatic surrender and retreat. Apology became the order of the day, and all that was left was pure domestic defense, which meant, obviously, that outside threats could only be dealt with by systematically removing privacy, liberty, and free speech from the home of the brave.
We are now reaping what we have sown. We gave up fighting or even naming the enemy. We killed rather than captured and interrogated because interrogation is so unpleasant. We pretended we could protect ourselves by persecuting, uh, ourselves. We let the TSA grope our grandmothers. We accept that profiling Islamist killers is racist and intolerable. We apologize for discovering that everything we do is monitored and recorded. We stand up to decry anyone who objects to our new subservience to government as a traitor. How cool is that, bitch?
Go ahead. Choose safety over liberty. Blindly trust the NSA even as you fear the IRS because the one has nothing to do with the other. Those of us who know better will soon be in our graves. Where your beloved government will soon and surely put us. The little girl with the new lungs owes her life directly to Sarah Palin, because the heavy hand of HHS showed everyone that routine federal regulations are the death panels she warned of. Hence the judicial intervention. You know. Necessary PR. Not to say spin. Pitiful. But for everyone who isn’t a ten year old front page story, the death panels do hover and smirk in waiting.
But the doomed old ones will have the last laugh when all is said and done. The real America will die with us who are denied treatment for lives actually lived, including all the smoking and drinking that used to be vices but are now what passes for immorality in a hedonist culture that pushes ten year olds to buy “morning after” pills without parental notification. So you’ll all die younger than the ones you euthanize via budget cuts. You’ll die of STDs and hepatitis and obesity and boredom. Those of you who don’t die of authoritarian acts of personal destruction because you got in the way of somebody more important, more connected, more protected.
Safety? There’s no such thing. Life is dangerous. It always has been and always should be. Otherwise, it’s the zombie existence our movies are suddenly, presciently obsessed with. But there is always irony. As your lives contain less and less moral content, you will be more and more vulnerable to the mechanisms of ruthless government that target you when you become, for any reason, inconvenient to someone just as heedless and feckless as you, only higher up in the political class structure. You won’t stand a chance.
Because the only ones who could have taught you how to fight, and stood with or in front of you in the fight, will be dead in the mass graves of ObamaCare.
Get used to your collars. Make sure your licenses are up to date. Don’t ever miss the dates required for your distemper and rabies shots. Get spayed before you do anything that might require you to be put down. Learn how to sit, lie down, and stay. Believe me, your life (such as it is) depends upon it.
52 Pickup
When I was a kid, there were two card games that corresponded to politics. One civilized and one rowdy. The civilized one was War. The rowdy one was Spit. We’ve been playing Spit since the 2000 election. It’s not about gentlemen and ladies playing seriously across a table. It’s about being faster, more ruthless, more physical, and yes, more violent with your cards than your opponent. War doesn’t have an equivalent of the race card. Spit has nothing but. The so-called play is just short of fisticuffs. Which it sometimes leads to.
But there was a whole other game nobody really played. 52 Pickup. It wasn’t a game at all. It was a damnation of games. It consisted of simply throwing the whole deck up in the air and challenging anyone to make sense of the result.
Where we are with the NSA revelations. Left and right no longer entirely matter, and they are not predictive. Time to figure out where you really stand. This is a juggling of first principles, and I’m thinking it’s a litmus test it’s possible to fail utterly.
The contradictions and reversals are so huge that I feared I couldn’t find a way to illustrate them. But then I saw Fox News Channel’s show The Five this evening. Enough to start the discussion.
Bob Beckel. The crusty reliable lefty. Outraged. To the max. He referenced the Patriot Act, but he didn’t content himself with blaming Bush. He blamed Obama more for extending the surveillance to all Americans.
Dana Perino. She was inclined to trust the NSA. Huh? She wondered why the whistleblower ran away to Hong Kong and asked why he didn’t come to Washington, DC, to make his revelations. Really? He wouldn’t have been swarmed by 8000 federal agents and disappeared from view? Really?
Greg Gutfeld. Total sellout. Ultimate libertarian announces he has an End Of the World clause that justifies the end of liberty if it prevents a nuclear terrorist attack. He seemed, I’m sorry to say, in a state of near panic.
Kimberly Guilfoyle. Thought she was raising the central issue when she said, “if we’re talking the ends justifying the means…” But I forgot that she’s a former federal prosecutor. The only ends vs. means issue she saw was the whistleblower. He’s a boastful would-be hero who has to be prosecuted. In her red dress and corpse makeup, she had only one objective: prosecuting the accused who had broken the law. Unmindful of her own double irony. First that the moral question of whether ends justify the means applies only to the whistleblower and NOT to the federal government. Second, that she wanted the whistleblower taken into federal custody ASAP because al Qaeda would certainly want to capture him and torture his secrets from him. So, he’s doing this for fame and glory when you regard him as a beheading victim in waiting? Really?
Eric Bolling. I thought he would buy the Republican defense. He didn’t. Doesn’t. He’s right. He agreed with Beckel. It’s outrageous and utterly unacceptable. You know. A little thing called the Fourth Amendment that half or more of putative conservatives have cravenly forgotten about.
A few additional points.
It’s been at least a decade that critics of U.S. intelligence have been decrying the decline of human intelligence in favor of high-tech intelligence. The NSA programs we’ve been learning about are the ultimate proof. The FBI was unable to translate a human intelligence tip from the Russians about the Boston bombers. Interestingly, since the U.K. Became the most surveilled society on earth, that country’s crime solution rate has plummeted. Too much data and too little, uh, intelligence applied.
I once wrote a post about death. More than 6000 Americans die every day. Terrorism? Less than 2500 victims in the last dozen years. There are 300 million Americans. No, I won’t ask you to do the math. I know most of you can’t, and I AM talking about you, Gutfeld. Your fright is disgusting. Not even losing a city is worth abandoning the freedoms you have spent so much time proclaiming. 30,000 Americans die every year just bashing into each other in their cars. Maybe the government should monitor the new GPS apps in motor vehicles to find road rage and texting teens and slurring daddies. Screw the constitution if one life can be saved by hounding them to paralyzed paranoia.
Finally, I’m fascinated by the brand new Iron Curtain righties have discovered between the predatory Obama administration and the benign nexus of CIA/NSA/FBI and all the companies that funnel our private communications to them. I’m stupefied by the lack of imagination involved in assuming that “if you haven’t done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear.” Who decides what is wrong? Can’t envision people who think some phrase in a casual email is grounds to destroy your life? If somebody in the government decides you’re a threat or a pest. Ever heard of the recent media concept called the “narrative”?
Oh, just think. For once. Think of every google search you’ve ever done. If I wanted to cast you as a villain, what STORY could I concoct of who you are based on all those searches?
Just think.
Then come back at me sounding like Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, or even Kimberley Guilfoyle.
Actually, don’t. I don’t feel the need to respond to idiots anymore. They bore me so.